Evenings are actually my favourite time of the day. Now and then we just completely need to take the whole evening out to wave good-bye to the stress of the week. I'm no expert but I think it's very important to have a pamper evening every now and then to look after your self both mentally and physically. It's one of those nights where you use all of your most loved things and make your self feel special. No matter how much you're dealing with clear your mind, relax and just take a break from the world. Now Autumn is creeping up on us, I thought that it would be a very apt time to share my pamper evening routine.

Step One: After I have ditched all my things at the front door, flung my coat to the side and been to the kitchen for multiple snacks (probably crisps and Kitkats *slaps wrist*) I will drag my self up the stairs to the bathroom. Despite my love for makeup, after a long day there is nothing better than just wiping away your face of the day. As you all know, my current evening cleansers are all part of the range by body shop which I reviewed here. I go ahead and use either the cleansing butter or oil to wipe away all of the makeup in the skin. I find the smell of the Camomile is so soothing making me already feel relaxed. I then use some of the Camomile eye makeup remover on a small cotton pad and rest it on my eye lids to give it a little time to do its magic! I hate the feel when there's any mascara left in my eyelashes, it really bugs me. I finish off my face with a face cloth and wipe away anything that is still left on my face!
Step Two: I run my self a bath and light a candle. Usually I prefer the shower but the bath just screams ultimate relaxation. My favourite bath product for this type of evening is the Twilight Bath Ballistic by Lush Cosmetics. I express how much I love it in a review which I did previously. I'm just going to say, it's BEAUTIFUL. It makes my skin all silky and soft, whats not to love? When washing my hair I currently am using the Repair and Protect Shampoo by Pantene Pro-v and the conditioner to match. It really suits my hair. Washing my hair is such a chore because it's so long so I tend to wash my hair every 2-3 nights. I dont really enjoy blow drying my hair so often enough, I just leave it to air dry. I just brush though it with my Tangle Teaser and add some oils or a mask if i'm feeling it.
Step Three: One of my favourite parts, skin care time! Before I touch my face I moisturise my whole body with the Soap and Glory Butter Yourself moisturiser while my body is still warm from the bath. I don't know if this is just be but I am that much of a cold person, in winter it takes ages for my moisturiser to sink in and sometimes it just wont rub in because my body lacks heat, weird. Also my nails take ages to set too because my hands are like icicles, off topic, sorry. As you may have read in my duty free haul. I bought the highly recommended Moisture Surge Extended thirst relief cream. I love this moisturiser for both day and night time. Day time because it's lovely under makeup and night-time because it's oil and SPF free. Moving onto my eye's, I pop on the all about eyes serum, de-puffing eye massage all around my eyes in a circulating motion. To finish off I just pop a little Carmex on my lips and I'm all sorted.
Step Four: Time to chill and enter your own little world. I say enter your own little world, if you're anything like me you probably live in your own little bubble. I'm like an old lady when it comes to spending an evening in. I like to pop on my comfiest jarmies, stick the soaps on the tv and kick back a little. Of course there's time for cups of tea, lots of tea is essential. I spend my evenings in lots of different ways. I find reading my favourite magazines relaxing too or watching a disney film (it's a shame my bestfriend, boyfriend or family don't like The Little Mermaid or Frozen though, Damnit)
How do you spend your relaxed evenings in?
Thanks for reading,
Antonia x
*Side note: I found out that my grandad reads my blog. So... Hi Grandad if you're reading today, I really fancy some of those chocolate cookies from Sainsburys x*
love the blog post! I also love the clinique moisture surge moisturiser! I use it every night before bed too!