Something a wee bit different over here today. I've got all the feels to right this post so I just thought that I would go ahead. I know in the wide scheme of things i'm still only a little pea but I feel as though I picked quite a lot of useful things up last year. Plus I really love reading other bloggers posts about what they've learn in years or situations.
Sometimes it's okay to let go of things (people even) when they get difficult. By this I don't mean give up on the important things. I mean don't carry on with something if it's making you unhappy, sometimes you just gotta love your self a lil'.If something/someone is making you feel down a lot it's fine just to wave goodbye; life is just too short. I wish I could have turned around to my self in school and just told me that it will be one of the greatest moments in my life when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change. I also wish I could have told my self to listen to my Mum more, parents definitely spot fake friends and crappy situations before you (sorry Mum, ily) If someone doesn't bring positivity, get rid of them.
Following that one perfectly, i've definitely learned to appreciate people more. Actually, not just people, everthing. From friendships to my Nan *side note- also don't ever take the long term health of your loved ones for granted*, as soon as you realise that things aren't promised to be there forever, it makes a huge difference in how you treat/understand them.
That said- Putting drama behind you is very important. Forgive, forget...
Leaving the house without your headphones is never a good idea. Under any circumstances Buy two pairs, order some now. They make a bad day better.
spending your wage on good food is perfectly acceptable.
Don't even bother to pretend you hate taylor swift. You know her catchy songs are infectious. Oh my God look at that face. You look like my next mistake... I'm stopping now, I'm sorry.
Don't be mad at someone for doing somehing just because you don't. A common one- the girls that wear heavy makeup getting at the girls that wear no makeup. Vice versa. It's okay to do whatever you want, be whatever you want (within reason, of course).
Don't be sad if it doesn't work out first time, try again. Keep trying until you decide whether it's important or not. AKA me with gcse maths, never again, no thank you.
Be nice to people. Especially old people, they have learned a lot in their time.
So are we all on a little January fitness slurge then? Back in Novemver I was gifted the Blend Active Blender by Breville for my birthday and ever since we've been very good friends. I'm writing this now because I think it will help a lot of you out if you're looking for a very decent blender for a low amount of money. Right now (and it has been for quite a while actually) you can pick this up on amazon for £20.00 exactly and with free delivery if you live in the UK, check it out here. Anyways, it does everything I want it to do, it creates a smooth juice or smoothie, it crushes ice and leaves everything lump free. It's really quick to use on a morning as you just can grab one of the 600ml bottles and screw it onto the blending cap ones all of your goodness is inside and then pop it onto your blender a wizz it up with the one touch blending system. This stood out to me over every other blender purely because it's to easy to clean, it takes a matter or seconds to wash the stainless steel blades and bottles also rinse with ease once you are done.
In all honesty, I don't know what changes/if any they have made to my weight because I don't really weigh my self (Woops) but I have definitely noticed a change in my skin. Over Christmas I binged, I ate crappy foods, I didn't consider what I was consuming at all. It was trifle for breakfast, chocolate pudding for dinner and icecream and jelly for tea (I'm from the north, it's never been breakfast, lunch and dinner, Sowwie ) So yep as a result my skin was like no, as a punishment you will get breakouts and I did. *Cries*. Since January I've been getting my vitamins again and my skin is so much more clear.
If you're like me and sometimes cramming fruit and veg is a struggle smoothies and juices can be the answer. When I realised how easy it is to make them, I dont think I would ever buy one again. I'm going to share with you all some of my favourite ones. First up is a combo of Mango, Pineapple and Blueberrys and it's delicious. I just add them all to one of the cups in any order and blend until smooth. This is one of those smoothies that is bound to be quite thick because of the ingredience so I just go ahead and add as my ice cubes as I feel like that morning.
Another favourite, especially for mornings is my banana and money smoothie. To be prepared for morning I freeze chopped banana in a freezer bag and then in the morning I pop this into my blender. I then go ahead and add some greek yoghurt, it's my fave mmm. Then I add a little honey and blend that all up. Because the banana is frozen there is no need for ice to chill. Delicious and filling for breakfast.
Finally, a handful of blueberrys,one banana and milk, again super simple. For this one I add two bananas, a hand full of blueberrys or/and raspberrys if I have them in and some low fat milk of your choice (If I was allergic to nuts, I imagine Almond would be amaze). I blend that all up and I add whole ice and Just crush lightly in the blender
let me know your favourite recipes!
I feel like the makeup brush world has gone a little wild over the festive period. Many of us recieved gorgeous brush sets from Santa and then Real Techniques went and threw out there that they were releasing 7 new precious range called the 'Bold Metals collection' and there's no denying that they're super beautiful in colour and shape and everything. As a lover of real techniques I can't deny that I wasn't expecting them to be quite as pricey as they are. In the beauty world, Real Techniques are our budget brand. Picking up a collection of 4 e.g core collection for just over twenty pounds was great! Were as in this new line, if it was that you wanted 4 of the face ones you would be £64.20 down. Eeeek, high end prices. However, having said that, they do look such amazing quality and I really want to try some out so bad.
I was on a little Beauty Bay splurge (FYI, amazing website, so many brands) and I was checking out the Zoeva section and hey presto, I ended up ordering some. Zoeva are a brand that for some reason before I did some research I regarded as super expensive. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say they were really cheap but they're at least reasonble. I went a head and picked two. When they were delievered they came in sleek little packets with brush guards on. I chose the 110 Face Shaper brush and the 104 Buffer brush.
Review time. Me and my 110 have been getting along so well I pratically haven't put it down. This brush is designed for precision and detailed contouring of the face (or where ever you please). It cost me only £8.95 which is so super cheap for the quality. I have never had a softer brush. This brush is vegan friendly. It has became my ulimate tool for blending my contour to leave to harsh edges. When I first got it I thought that it would be too small but its perfect to slip into the hollows of my cheeks. Love, love, love. if you've read my previous review of the Anastasia Contour Kit you will know that the Zoeva 110 and those powders are the perfect duo. They lead to the perfect killer cheek bone.
Next up is the more popular 104. I've never had a brush quite this shape before, I've had the buffer brush from Real Techniques which is lovely however this one seems to have a quality that makes my foundation blend right into my skin.The density of the brush allows you to buff right into your skin to avoid those dreaded lines. Again, this brush is vegan, the bristles are actually made from Taklon. This means that when you are applying your makeup you can go for anything from a liquid to a powder and the brush will not absorb the product *woop*. This brush cost me £12.95 and is 100% worth the money.
If you're thinking about picking some of these up I definitely recommend Beauty Bay they had my products on my door step on time which I am so greatful for.
Oh Hi there, here I am again with yet another palette review. I wish I could be sorry but there's absolutely no chance that I could not be feautring this on my blog as soon as possible. Anastasia Beverly Hills are a Brand that are everywhere in the beauty world right now. I guess everyone that reads blogs and watches videos about makeup will have had to serious have done some hiding under rocks to have missed out on the current hype for their products such as 'Brow Wiz' and 'Dip Brow Pomade'. All of their products seem to get amazing reviews and no one can get enough. The contour palette was calling my name (however, I might have just placed a little order for the 'Dip Brow pomade' too. A first impressions might be on the cards).

Anyway, since having this sleek little palette in my possession I can stop putting it on my face. The packaging is pretty simple, black with silver and rose gold detailing. The packaging is that type of packaging that does get very dirty easily, I find my self wiping my finger prints off the top. It's also not the strongest but we all can get over that for a good product can't we? the packaging it's self claims that it is to 'sculpt and define your features with 6 powders designed to contour and highlight'. It comes with 3 shades for highlight (two of which are matte and one thats a little shimmery and 3 shades for the contour it's self (all of which are matte). Onto the names the highlight shades are 'sand', 'vanilla', 'banana' and the contour shades are named 'java', 'fawn' and 'havana'.

I can hands down say that I have never had a sculpting shade like the ones in this palette. The colour called 'fawn' is the perfect colour to create a shaddow under the cheek bone. I just grab my Zoeva '110 Face Shaper' (*hint* review coming soon) and use the tiniest bit of product to give my self that desired sculpted face. My next most used powder has to be 'Banana'. It's perfect for setting my under eye concealer. My skin most definitely has yellow undertones more than pink ones. So I guess it highlights my under eyes without them looking too yellow. The pigmentation of this palette is so amazing. You need the tiniest amount and it blends out beautifully. One of my most favourite things about it is the ones you run out of one of the powders the are refillable. Or maybe if you really dont enjoy one of the colours, you can pick up a completely different shade and just swap it over *high five Anastasia*. However I do thing that these colours will be very universal for so many skin tones. If you would like to check out how it looks on my face click right here because I used it in my Kylie Jenner inspired makeup!
I did recieve my palette for christmas however they're going to be available very soon at Cult Beauty for £39.00 which you can check out here!
Let me know if you've tried this out before!
All my love x